Forestry trailers from FTG Källefall

FTG Källefall offers a wide range of forest trailers with a loading capacity from 3 tons for light logging and up to 12 tons for professional use with the highest standards in forestry. By constantly improving our trailers and cranes we seek to make it not only productive but also a pleasant experience for you in the forest, every day.

Main features of Källefall trailers

  • “Easy-climbing” bogies
  • Strong, fully retractable telescopic support legs
  • Robust gate design for strength & reliability.
  • Various types of drawbars to suit height requirements
WP_Term Object
    [term_id] => 15
    [name] => Trailers
    [slug] => trailers
    [term_group] => 0
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 15
    [taxonomy] => product_cat
    [description] => High-capacity trailers for easy and efficient log transportation in various forestry settings.
    [parent] => 0
    [count] => 12
    [filter] => raw
    [term_order] => 25

FTG Källefall Forestry Trailers

Measurements and quick data FTG Källefall forestry trailers

Technical specifications



Section A B C D E F G H
Trailer Crane Wheel dimensions Title A Title B Title C Title D Title E Title F Title G Title H
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
FB30D FB42L 11.5/80 -15.3 3297 1744 2010 1346 630 1230 377-773 478
FB47L 3297 1744 2010 1346 630 1330 377-773 478
FB53T 3297 1744 2010 1346 630 1330 377-773 478
FB40D FB42L 400/60 -15.5 3660 1980 2100 1535 1050 1230 540-770 450
FB47L 3660 1980 2100 1535 1050 1330 540-770 450
FB51 3660 1980 2100 1535 1050 1350 540-770 450
FB53T 3660 1980 2100 1535 1050 1330 540-770 450
FB50 FB42L 11.5/80 -15.3 2985-3485 1785-1860 1810 1770 1182 1230 448-815 530
FB47L 2985-3485 1785-1860 1810 1770 1182 1330 448-815 530
FB60 FB47L 400/60-15.5 2985-3485 1785-1860 2010 1875 1195 1330 448-815 545
FB51 2985-3485 1785-1860 2010 1875 1195 1350 448-815 545
FB53T 2985-3485 1785-1860 2010 1875 1195 1330 448-815 545


FB51 400/60-15.5 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1350 407-864 625
FB53T 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1330 407-864 625
FB63T(S) 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1360 407-864 625
FB69T 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1450 407-864 625
P52 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1800 407-864 625
P57 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1800 407-864 625
M65T 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1600 407-864 625
P67T 3865-4165 1845-2475 2035 1950 1365 1800 407-864 625


FB51L 400/60-15.5 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1390 386-959 640
FB53T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1330 386-959 640
FB63T(S) 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1360 386-959 640
FB69T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1450 386-959 640
P65 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 2000 386-959 640
M65T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1600 386-959 640
P67T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1800 386-959 640
M69T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 1650 386-959 640
P75T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2040 2175 1400 2000 386-959 640
FB90D FB63T(S) 500/50-17 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1435 1360 435-1010 690
FB69T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1435 1450 435-1010 690
FB73T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1330 1700 435-1010 690
P65 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1330 2000 435-1010 690
M65T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1435 1600 435-1010 690
M75T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1330 1850 435-1010 690
P67T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1330 1800 435-1010 690
M69T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1435 1650 435-1010 690
P75T 3865-4465 2000-2620 2330 2150 1330 2000 435-1010 690


FB63T(S) 500/50-17 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 1360 454-946 625
FB69T 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 1450 454-946 625
FB73T 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 1700 454-946 625
M69T 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 1650 454-946 625
M75T 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 1850 454-946 625
P75T 3955-4580 1175-2035 2330 2200 1345 2000 454-946 625


FB69T 600/50-22.5 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1450 745-802 700
FB73T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1700 745-802 700
M69T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1650 745-802 700
M75T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1850 745-802 700
P82T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1850 745-802 700
Mv78T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1850 745-802 700
Mv94T 4165-5060 2360-2420 2635 2455 1585 1850 745-802 700

Below you can see which cranes we recommend for each trailer.

Trailer / Crane FB42L FB47L FB51 FB51L FB53T FB63T FB63TS FB69T FB73T